Family and Friend's Day, 2021

VRCBVI's Family and Friend's Day, 2021

What if This Actually Works?
Saturday, October 23
9:00am to 2:00pm

Have you ever wondered how you're going to do things in life as a person who is blind or vision impaired? Like cooking dinner for your family? Or using a computer? Or getting groceries? Or reading a book? Or getting a job?

Have you heard that there are techniques to complete tasks like these, but you just aren't sure that they'll work for you?

What would your life be like if you had alternative skills that ACTUALLY WORKED TO INCREASE YOUR INDEPENDENCE?

Come join us at VRCBVI's Family and Friend's Day where you can learn tips and tricks about how to complete these tasks and more. Meet other blind people who use these skills successfully each day and learn how you can develop those skills too.

Agenda (see additional details below this schedule):
9:00 – 9:30 – Registration
9:30 – 10:00 – Welcome and keynote
10:00 – 10:30 – Breakout session 1
10:30 – 11:00 – Breakout session 2
11:00 – 11:30 – Breakout session 3
11:30 – 12:00 – Breakout session 4
12:00 – 1:00 – Lunch
1:00 – 2:00 – Conversation about Blindness and door prizes! (must be present to win!)

Keynote Speaker
Taylor Jones - Sales and Support Specialist at Apple - Short Pump, VA
According to his Instagram page, Taylor is a storyteller, innovator, accessibility expert, RVA foodie and all around tech junkie. He is currently a Sales Specialist at Apple where he enjoys helping hundreds of loyal customers with their iPhones and iPads each week. Taylor's background includes entrepreneurial tech ventures (ask him about when he gave a sales pitch to Mark Cuban) and Division 1 volleyball. But, other than his wife and dogs (oh, and coffee), Taylor's true passion since losing his vision in 2015 is improving the lives of people with disabilities through greater accessibility to technology and sports. He is a proud 2017 alumnus of VRCBVI's Adjustment to Blindness Program, has worked on the VRCBVI staff as a Mentor in the LIFE Program and is the first two-time Keynote Speaker for Family and Friend's Day. As if he's not already busy enough, Taylor is training to run the New York City Marathon on November 7 and is sponsored by Live Strong to do so. When he isn't working, running or fulfilling public speaking engagements, he enjoys traveling and eating good food with his wife, Carrie.

Breakout session topics:
- Orientation and Mobility - Is that really possible??
Come join the VRCBVI Orientation and Mobility department for a lively discussion focused on debunking and demystifying the many myths and misconceptions of cane travel. Be sure to come armed with your questions, answers, and thoughts about what truly makes a confident traveler who happens to be blind or low vision.

- Braille - Connecting the Dots Between Braille and Technology
Come check out the cutting edge Braille displays at VRCBVI! Ask any Braille question you may have and find out how Braille still works in today's technology driven society.

- Technology - How does it do that?
Have you ever wondered how someone who is blind identifies printed text, recognizes money, creates a spreadsheet, formats a word document, navigates a smart phone, sends an email, etc.? Or maybe you have a different technology related question... You are invited to meet with Tech Instructor Mike Fish to learn answers to the above questions and perhaps learn some answers to your own!

- Personal and Home Management - Cookies or burgers???
Question: “Can someone who is Blind or Vision Impaired cook in a kitchen safely and independently? How 'bout use a gas grill?” Answer: “Absolutely!!” Join VRCBVI Personal and Home Management Instructors for a 30-minute overview of the basic non-visual skills needed to make something that nearly everyone loves---fresh baked cookies from scratch!! Highlights will include setting up your workstation, measuring ingredients, setting proper cooking temperatures, and determining how to safely place dishes into and take out of a hot oven. Or join us outside at the grill where we'll be using nonvisual techniques to fire up hotdogs and hamburgers. Either way you choose, it will be a delectable good time!!

Conversation About Blindness
What Is "It", and What If It Actually Works?: What Would It Look Like In Your Life?
Facilitator: Melody Roane - Director, Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired

Register quickly! To maintain physical distancing, this event's capacity is 60 participants. Parties will be limited to 5 or less.

Register here! (screen reader users, please use the up and down arrows to navigate this form)
Contact Person Info (Participant 1)
Who is the contact person for your party (Participant 1)?
Participant 1 email address (this is where all program information will be sent):
Participant 1 phone number:
Participant 1 is a:
If you listed "other" for Participant 1 above, please explain below:
Which Personal and Home Management session would Participant 1 like to attend?
How many people (including yourself) will be in your party? Parties are limited to 5 or less.
Lunch is included in the day's events. Please list any dietary restrictions for your party below:
Participant 2 Info (if needed)
Participant 2 name:
Participant 2 is a:
If you listed "other" for Participant 2 above, please explain below:
Which Personal and Home Management session would Participant 2 like to attend?
Participant 3 Info (if needed)
Participant 3 name:
Participant 3 is a:
If you listed "other" for Participant 3 above, please explain below:
Which Personal and Home Management session would Participant 3 like to attend?
Participant 4 Info (if needed)
Participant 4 name:
Participant 4 is a:
If you listed "other" for Participant 4 above, please explain below:
Which Personal and Home Management session would Participant 4 like to attend?
Participant 5 Info (if needed)
Participant 5 name:
Participant 5 is a:
If you listed "other" for Participant 5 above, please explain below:
Which Personal and Home Management session would Participant 5 like to attend?