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VRCBVI 2022 LIFE “Learning Independence, Feeling Empowered!” Program Application
Dear LIFE 2022 Applicant and Family:
Thank you for your interest in the LIFE summer program at the Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired (“VRCBVI”). We are excited to offer an interactive blindness skills training program, a real-world work experience, and vibrant confidence building activities this summer.
Requirements to participate in the 2022 LIFE Program:
If you meet the following requirements, please complete and submit the application packet to VRCBVI. By submitting an application, you acknowledge that you meet all required criteria.
Applicants must:
• Be able to actively participate in all five weeks of the program (unless returning to school)
• Be between 14 and 18 years old and be returning to a high school academic program in the fall of 2022 (14 years old on or before July 11, 2022 and must not turn 19 years old before August 12, 2022)
• Be blind or vision impaired and interested in acquiring blindness skills
• Be able to participate in group structured classes and activities
• Be able to take care of personal care needs independently, including managing and self-administering medications
• Have a valid government issued photo ID
• Have an open or be willing to open a Vocational Rehabilitation case with DBVI
Application Check List:
All applications must include the following documents: (Only complete applications submitted by the deadline will be considered.)
1) VRCBVI LIFE 2022 Student Application form (see below)
2) DBVI Health Checklist/General Medical Examination completed by a medical professional and dated no more than one year prior to the LIFE application deadline date of May 8, 2022. If a student attended a summer program at VRCBVI in the past the health form submitted for that program is acceptable, provided the parent(s) submit a statement that the student’s 2022 health information has not changed and the form is still accurate.
3) DBVI Eye Exam Report completed by a medical professional and dated no more than one year prior to the LIFE application deadline date of May 8, 2022. If a student attended a summer program at VRCBVI in the past, the eye report form submitted for that program is acceptable, provided the parent(s) submit a statement that the student’s 2022 Eye Exam Report information has not changed and the form is still accurate.
4) Copy of the student’s current IEP
Acceptance Status: After the application deadline, May 8, 2022, all complete applications will be reviewed. All applicants will be notified by May 25, 2022 of their acceptance status. **A maximum of 22 applicants will be accepted to the 2022 LIFE Program. If the applicant is accepted into the program, we will send you a VRCBVI LIFE Welcome Packet which includes liability waivers and activity forms that you will be required to complete, sign and return to VRCBVI. The return deadline for forms and waivers will be provided in the LIFE Welcome Packet.
If, after the applicant has been accepted into the 2022 LIFE program, he/she decides to cancel participation, please contact Greg Chittum, Coordinator for Community Engagement at 804-371-3204 or greg.chittum@dbvi.virginia.gov so students who are on the waiting list can be scheduled.
Important Information to Remember:
Deadline for Application: May 8, 2022. NO APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2022 LIFE PROGRAM WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS DATE. Only complete applications will be considered.
Dates of Program: The five week program begins Sunday, July 10, 2022 at 1:00, and will end on Friday, August 12, 2022, at noon.
Attendance Requirements: Because this program is short and concentrated, we require that students who are accepted attend all five weeks. The only exception to this requirement is for students who are starting back to school during the last week of the LIFE program. If this is the case for the applicant, please attach documentation of when the student will be starting school. All students must participate in weekday classes, evening activities, and Saturday confidence building activities.
Work Experience: Students who are 16 to 18 years old will work part-time in a community-based setting during the last three weeks of the LIFE program. In some instances staff and/or parents will recommend that a 16 to 18 year old student continue to focus on blindness skills (Travel skills, Braille, Access Technology, and Cooking) during the last three weeks of the program. Students who are 14 to 15 years old will not participate in a work experience. However, they will participate in the full five weeks of blindness skills training. This will benefit those students who do not have the opportunity to receive continuous blindness skills training during the school year.
Additional questions: For additional information about the 2022 LIFE Program, please contact Greg Chittum, Coordinator for Community Engagement, by phone (804-371-3204) or email greg.chittum@dbvi.virginia.gov or refer to the flyer on our website, VRCBVI LIFE. If you have questions about the application process, please contact Brooke Rogers, Assistant Director for Administration, at (804) 371-3338, or by email at Brooke.Rogers@dbvi.virginia.gov.
**Subject to change due to COVID protocols.
We are looking forward to a great summer! Hope to see you soon!
Greg Chittum, Coordinator for Community Engagement
Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind & Vision Impaired
401 Azalea Avenue
Richmond, Virginia 23227
Phone: (804) 371-3204
Fax: (804) 371-3092
Facebook: VDBVI
Website: VRCBVI
LIFE 2022 Student Application
Will the student be able to attend all 5 weeks of the program?
Parent / Guardian Information
If you are student’s legal guardian, do you have a copy of the court documents demonstrating that?
If the parents have joint custody, please fax the court custodial order to VRCBVI, Attention: Brooke Rogers at (804) 371-3092.
If the student’s parents have joint custody of the student, all forms and documentation pertaining to the LIFE program must be signed by both parents.
______ and ______ have joint legal custody of student. (please provide names)
Emergency Contact Information
Student Medical Information
Does the student have other disabilities in addition to blindness?
Does the student have any psychological or emotional disabilities?
Does the student have any physical limitations or activity restrictions?
Does the student have diabetes?
Does the student have any other chronic medical condition(s) that require a management plan, such as asthma, migraine disorder, seizure disorder, anxiety, etc.?
If needed, please list any additional, pertinent information about student's medication administration here:
Does the student have any medically-prescribed dietary needs, such as renal diet, celiac diet?
Additional Student Information
Does the student have an open Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) case with the Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI)?
Does the student have any previous work experience?
By checking this box, I acknowledge that I understand that the student's application is considered incomplete until the following documents are submitted along with this form:
o DBVI Health Checklist Form,
o General Medical Examination Form,
o DBVI Eye Exam Report,
o student’s current IEP
Student Learning Contract
To maximize learning, we have identified expectations to ensure a safe, productive summer. We ask that parents and students review the following. The expectations are as follows.
Students and parents will agree to the following:
1. Never leave the facility without an adult.
2. Never leave VRCBVI campus without checking with staff.
3. Be responsible for telling the Center Case Manager (Kris Foley) or Administration about any problems.
4. Treat all students and staff with respect.
5. Only gather with other students in approved common areas.
6. Use your cane at all times.
7. Wear learning shades during classes and occasionally during evening and weekend activities.
8. Will not use cell phones during instructional times without instructor permission.
9. Will not possess or use illegal drugs, alcohol or marijuana.
10. Actively participate in all aspects of the program, including evening and weekend activities.
Please sign below to certify that you have read and understand the student expectations. Further, be aware that failure to follow these policies can result in expulsion from the program.