Make a donation to Goodfellows

Since 1947, Goodfellows has been assisting local families with a special need at Christmastime - food for their tables. With the help of people just like you, Goodfellows raised over $75,000 in 2010 and provided 1,600 families with a week's worth of groceries. The families receiving assistance are varied - some financially strapped, some without jobs and others with governmental assistance that doesn't provide the necessities.

Please consider joining us to help make the Christmas season a little brighter for our neighbors who are most in need. A contribution of any size will help make a difference in the lives of so many! All contributions are tax deductible and are listed in the Herald-Journal as they are received.

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Last Name:
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Name on Credit Card:
Credit Card Number:
Expiration Date:
Amount of Donation: $
Note: Do not include the dollar sign with your amount. Simply enter the figure without the dollar sign.
Add comments here if this is a gift in honor or in memory of someone, or if you would like to attach some other note with your donation: